Book Likrat
Thank you for your interest in Likrat! We look forward to being able to provide you with an informative and unforgettable Likrat encounter, consultation or a knowledge and education session in another format.
Once you make your booking or enquiry, we will get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss the details.
Likrat for Schools
Likrat for Schools is aimed at schoolchildren in years 4 to 6 of primary school, and at middle and secondary schools. Pupils can ask the Likrat representatives, known as Likratinas and Likratinos, questions about Judaism without needing to worry about causing offence. Such conversations with young Jewish people are an instructive intercultural and interfaith experience that can combat antisemitism and prejudice and promote tolerance and dialogue with lasting effect.
Aged between 15 and 18, the young Jews receive intensive preparation for their role. A Likrat encounter lasts the equivalent of two school lessons and costs CHF 120.
Likrat Public for organisations
Likrat Public helps non-Jewish organisations, businesses, public authorities, institutions and associations to gain a better understanding of their Jewish counterparts. As part of the Likrat Public programme, employees or members of such organisations can experience Judaism at first hand and learn more about it. Having this new-found knowledge and greater understanding can help prevent misunderstandings and difficulties in future, and combat prejudice.
A Likrat Public encounter could be one element of a training programme, a team-building event or a one-off session. The session is conducted by Jewish adults who have received special training.
Book Likrat now
You can book Likrat for schools or Likrat Public and order the associated information here.