Likrat – an internationally successful prevention model
Likrat is seen as a model for success in Switzerland. The programme is also offered to other partner organisations. Likrat Switzerland advises on and supports the roll-out and consolidation of the project.
The Likrat dialogue and education project has proven to be a huge success in Switzerland. Its approach to school outreach and combating prejudice and stereotypes through dialogue between young people of a similar age in particular sparks a lot of interest. The remarkably simple concept has well and truly proven its worth, and it doesn’t just work in Switzerland. That’s why SIG offers the Likrat prevention and education programme to Jewish umbrella organisations or associations in other countries and assists with the programme roll-out.
Support and advice from Likrat
Jewish umbrella organisations, associations and communities who are interested in the programme should get in touch with Likrat. The basic concept is taken from the original Swiss project. Likrat provides support and bespoke, needs-oriented advice for getting the project up and running. This includes assisting with training young Jewish people to become Likratinas and Likratinos, and instructing education and prevention specialists.
Likrat in Germany | Meet a Jew

In its first foray abroad, the Likrat concept was adapted for use in Germany. Likrat managers introduced their German counterparts to the project and provided support for the initial training of Likratinos and Likratinas. The German Likrat project was launched in 2007 and was taken over by the Central Council of Jews in Germany in 2017. In 2020, the Central Council launched a follow-up programme, Meet a Jew, in a joint effort by Likrat and its own successful initiative, Rent a Jew.
Likrat in Austria

In Austria, the Likrat programme has been run by the Jewish Community of Vienna since 2015. Likrat managers from Switzerland helped their Austrian colleagues roll out the concept. They trained the project leaders and were on hand to provide practical help and advice during the initial training of the young Jewish people.
Likrat in Moldova

Likrat Moldova is promoted, organised and coordinated by the LivingStones Association in partnership and close cooperation with the International Center of Training and Professional Development ICTPD. The first course for prospective Likratinos and Likratinas took place in 2017, followed by the first encounters with school classes in 2018. The Likrat team in Switzerland supports Likrat Moldova by drawing on their knowledge and experience to train Likratinas and Likratinos.
Likrat in Peru
Peru became the fourth country to adapt the Swiss Likrat project, after Germany, Austria and Moldova. Autumn 2019 saw the first group of Jewish young people begin their Likratino or Likratina training. The Swiss Likrat programme provides Likrat Peru with help and advice in implementing the project.
Sound interesting?
Contact us now
For any questions about the Likrat project and opportunities for partnership or adapting the project, please email:
Jonathan Schoppig, Head of Education and Prevention at SIG, at jonathan.schoppig@likrat.ch or call +41 43 305 07 65.