The SIG largely finances its projects through membership fees and income from its assets. The scope of its projects has increased significantly in recent years, particularly in the areas of prevention and Likrat. The association is able to rely on committed funding partners to ensure that this important work continues.
Prevention and Likrat
We would like to thank our funding partners and all our donors – including anonymous donors – for their generous support of the Likrat prevention and dialogue programme.
Ernst Göhner Stiftung
The Ernst Göhner Stiftung supports non-profit projects in the areas of culture, the environment, social welfare, education and science. The foundation is active throughout Switzerland and works to promote dialogue between the country’s regions.
Swiss Society for the Common Good
The Swiss Society for the Common Good SSCG is committed to social cohesion in Switzerland and both researches and promotes voluntary work in Switzerland.
Swisslos, canton of Lucerne lottery fund
Lottery income is used by the Swisslos, lottery and sports funds of the German-speaking Swiss cantons and the canton of Ticino to support projects in the areas of the arts, sports, the environment and social welfare. The canton of Lucerne regulates the use of funds and the criteria for distribution in the Lottery Funds Ordinance. It offers broad-based funding with the aim of reaching as many people as possible in the interest of the common good.